Guest Post Author

Tavish Williams is an attorney and the author of Bright Side of the Sun, a self-care blog. She coaches career-driven women through stress, being overwhelmed, and establishing better self-care routines.
When it starts to get cold and the sun feels like it is always hiding, winter blues begin to set in. We feel more tired, more melancholy, and more like the couch is the right place to be. This sadness makes it harder to take care of ourselves, nurture relationships, and enjoy what winter has to offer.
When it starts to get cold and the sun feels like it is always hiding, winter blues begin to set in. We feel more tired, more melancholy, and more like the couch is the right place to be. This sadness makes it harder to take care of ourselves, nurture relationships, and enjoy what winter has to offer.
Those blues can ruin the season. To help you feel better, get my Feel Good Routine Worksheet to treat winter blues. Learn how to maximize your time when you get home from work and treat winter blues.
Here are 7 ideas to help you treat winter blues:
1. Workout
Winter months mean heavy food, warm drinks, and sweets. We want to consume hot comfort food and bundle up. This means we don’t watch how much we may be expanding or realize how the food we are eating can bring us down even more.
You do not have to leave the house to workout. A simple 20 minute workout from Youtube can make you break a sweat and feel a little more energized and accomplished. Sometimes you just have to get the blood pumping to feel better.
2. Get Some Sun
I love the sun and miss it when winter comes. I have had to go to the doctor from feeling ill, because I was so low on Vitamin D. If you realize that you get excited just because you can see the sun, even though it’s below freezing outside, you are in need of some rays.
Don’t worry I am not going to tell you to book a vacation to the Caribbean, though if you can, you should. There is another way to get some rays. Light boxes. Light boxes are lamps that give off rays like the sun. They can help lift your mood, give you energy, and help your sleep patterns.
3. Socialize
Winter can be a time when we isolate ourselves because it is just so uncomfortable to travel anywhere. We are quick to bail on get togethers, and head home to get our pjs on and curl up on the couch. But, even the most introverted human needs some loving contact with friends and family.
Make a date with a friend over a hot drinks, lunch, or dinner. If you really are restricted by the weather, schedule a Skype date. After having a good conversation with one of your favorite people it will be obvious how we all need to socialize.
4. Leave the House
Believe it or not, staying inside all weekend may feel good, but it isn’t what your body or mind need. If you feel like you are in a fog, lethargic, and don’t want to do more than watch TV, take a step outside. Leave your heated house to get some crisp air.
You could get out and something or just stand outside for 10-15 minutes breathing in cold, clean air. I realize that being inside too long, when the heats on, makes me feel like I am breathing recycled air. It only makes me feel drowsy and unable to think clearly. Stepping outside can be the trick to get a shock to the system and some fresh air.

5. Laugh/Smile
When it is darker, colder, and lonelier we often find ourselves bumming around. Sometimes moping around because someone bailed on plans, or we just cant make ourselves get up and do what we know we should. Something that can easily turn your mood around is laughing and smiling.
Watch your favorite memes, videos, or movies to start laughing. Laugh, smile and laugh some more. Laughter is going to help you feel good and motivate you to move and do more.
6. Human Touch
During the winter we are often bundled up so often, only our face is exposed. We will often realize that no one has touched our skin in weeks, other than ourselves. We all need some positive human touch. So, if you don’t have a warm body at home to give you hugs, kisses, a massage, or even hold your hand, it is okay.
Take purposeful time to massage yourself with lotion and love on your body. You can schedule an appointment for a massage, or, give yourself hugs through out the day. It is important to maintain positive contact with your body.
7. Set a Goal
The winter can be a hard time to find motivation to do anything let alone be productive. But, when we think about a goal that sounds fun, often times we are motivated to start, even if it is to take small steps.
Related: How to Stop Procrastinating & Get Motivated!
Set a goal and write it out. Write out the specifics of the goal, what it looks like when it is completed, milestones through the goal, rewards, you’re why, affirmations, and how you will feel when you are finished. All of these things will help motivate you to take small actions, but also get your mindset geared toward actually finishing the goal.
Winter is here. I hope that you don’t experience the winter blues, but if you do, you now have 7 simple ideas to help you through this season and treat winter blues. Know that there is help if you are needing assistance dealing with your winter sadness. Contact your doctor, counselor, or family members to get the support you need this winter.
Tavish shares some great tips for winter self care! The cold weather mixed with the chaotic holiday season can have you feeling more tired and stressed. And these are vulnerable times for our self care! But Tavish shows that it is possible to work it into our daily routines, no matter how swamped we are. Give some a try today!
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